Foxhole: Highlights and Funny Moments from our multiple wars in the grand strategy MMO Throughout and between a number of MMOs and Survivals Legacy was testing and playing, Foxhole captured a large portion of our core playerbase due to its focus on extensive logistics, strategic approach to PvP, and layered comradery you really only find...
Military and Absence Policy Legacy has been around a long time and has practically seen it all when it comes to why someone cannot show to a raid or event. In order to prevent drama and make it clear to members, we have a set policy for absences for all types of scenarios. General Absences...
Squads in Legacy The Legacy squad system introduces new ways for community members at large to interact with each other in a way that is creative, personally-driven, competitive, and team-building. All regular chapter members are organized into squads. Organization is based loosely on interests, but not on commitment level or time zones. Squads are administrative...
Games on the Horizon Titles We’re Testing & Possible Chapters In Legacy we have two types of games we all play as a community, “Chapters” as seen above under the name in the menu, and “Expeditions”. Expeditions are exactly as they sound – temporary forays into new games to see if they are worth putting...
On Reputation Reputation is not black and white. It is not even a single plane of existence. Your reputation falls on numerous different perspectives, venues, and considerations. It’s easy for a guild to say “yea, everyone knows we’re good” – but what really defines good? What you may consider to be a qualifying factor of...
On Rosters Member values and how they weigh into their actions falls among the most important areas of focus for guilds when judging the quality of members. There exists an arbitrary world out there in which guild leaders often judge members based on criteria that largely doesn’t matter, or has little influence to the long-term...
ON ZERGS In this I will dive into the definition of what makes a zerg, and the variables that exist that allow them to hold some form of power in MMOs. This is from my own experience in 12+ years of MMOs. In a later article I will be sharing thoughts on what i’ve found...
On Misdirection In MMOs you will always come across someone perceived to be “better” or “stronger” than you. Sometimes it may be an opposing guild or clan who seems to have overwhelming members, or has the best gear and weapons available. It may even be within your own guild, someone who presents themselves as better...
Guild Leader’s Guide: Introduction INSPIRATION AND GOALS In this short series I am covering – I am looking at historical data from the many MMOs over the last decade and applying the lessons I’ve learned in a hopefully easier to understand format. While most comparisons will be applied to MMO Guild/Clan leadership, the passages can...
SOP: PvP and Comms Brevity Understanding what terms means during PvP calls is important to any guild member, and even to our allies and friends who might run with us during ops. This page gives a general overview of terms we use, and tips on how to efficiently get your information across voice channels with...
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