Military and Absence Policy Legacy has been around a long time and has practically seen it all when it comes to why someone cannot show to a raid or event. In order to prevent drama and make it clear to members, we have a set policy for absences for all types of scenarios. General Absences...
SOP: PvP and Comms Brevity Understanding what terms means during PvP calls is important to any guild member, and even to our allies and friends who might run with us during ops. This page gives a general overview of terms we use, and tips on how to efficiently get your information across voice channels with...
LRC (Legacy Readiness Conditon) Levels LRC stands for “Legacy Readiness Condition” which is largely inspired from the US Military’s “DEFCON” system (Defense Readiness Condition). It is a standardized system we use in all games we play that clearly establishes guidelines for members outside of events. It defines what to expect when members login before beginning...
Our defined differences between Casual, Semi-HC and Hardcore The following section reflects more details and specifications regarding the organization in Legacy in regards to tiers: The purpose of this section is to define what separates Casual, Semi-HC, and Hardcore players desiring to play in the chapters, and how we separate “Hardcore,” “Semi-hardcore,” and “Casual.” “Casual”...
Legacy PvP Expectations Legacy is a competitive PvP community. All members must accept and understand that PvP combat is the main focus for the majority of the chapters, especially combat involving large numbers of players. A smaller more organized group, but by no means any less important, will be solely focused on eSports teams, which...
Legacy PvE Expectations The following rules apply regardless if the raid is specific to A-Team or B-Team level raids. These two levels of raiding are described in the next section. Raids are either scheduled ahead of time (official) or spur of the moment (unofficial). Official raids are more organized, often streamed, and include a variety...
Governance: Our Vision Guild structure is based on a form of government. In this community, we often refer to Sun Tzu when discussing strategy and tactics, but we reference Plato for our governance. Plato’s Republic depicts that there are essentially three types of governments that exist effectively, each with positive and negative aspects to the...
Be Helpful You may have heard it before, “We were all newbies once.” This always holds true. Members come from many types of games. Some have never played an MMO/Shooter in their life, but have the drive that will allow them to surpass most of their peers easily. If someone is honestly trying to learn,...
Legacy Member Rights The following are the rights (and discussion of those rights) ensured for all Legacy members as enforced by the community. 1. The right to be part of a community with mutual respect as its guiding principle. Legacy members are held to a higher personal standard than usually present in other gaming organizations....
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